Happy Valentines Day!

It’s February, the time for nesting, what better time to “feather our own nest”?

We are here, in this lifetime to enjoy being in relationship with ourselves, with each other and with our surroundings. Our first relationship in life, if we are so blessed, is with our mother. In feng shui this energy of relationships is actually associated with “mother energy” that primal energy of unconditional love.

The I Ching Symbol for this energy is KUN, also known as “the receptive” it represents divine feminine, mother energy.

Some words to best describe this energy include: elegance, surrender, devotion, support, nurture,
mildness, softness, adaptability, vulnerability, loyalty, unconditional acceptance and kindness. Kun represents the practical world of growing and gathering food to nurture, ground and centre our energy, anchoring us into the physical world (Robert Sachs)

Creating a loving environment

As Human Beings (humans being) what we all we need, at a primal level, is to feel loved, seen and heard, and nurtured. In tending then, to this area of relationships, this begins with having compassion for and loving, ourselves. Creating an environment in which we feel safe, supported and enfolded, feeds into this sense of belonging and acceptance.

It is part of the human condition to also need companionship. There is no use in having all of that abundance, health and creativity, if there is no one to share it with. Much of the joy we experience in life, if not all of the joy, is found in the sharing of our experiences and feelings.

Mother Earth – introducing this soft receptive energy into our homes

This energy of relationships is associated with a particular sector of our home (see my blog on placing the bagua over the plan of your home for further details). The element associated with this part of our home is the earth element which can be introduced in the form of square shapes and patterns and soft, receptive are items such as cushions and pillows etc. The colour yellow holds the gathering nature of this element and can be used in the decor in this area of your home. Other colours associated with this energy include earthy tones, with the addition of red or pink which enhance the feminine nature of this area.

An ideal addition in this area, if you have space, is a pair of soft covered chairs or even a ‘love seat’ to enhance the feeling of
togetherness. In imagery, this soft yielding energy is often depicted by fields of uncultivated land, open spaces, the energy of basic humility, being open and empty and giving with an open heart.

Add some fire energy to boost the energy of relationships

The fire element supports the element earth, in the cycle of elements. Therefore, an addition of a small amount of red to this area e.g. a pair of red roses or two red candles for instance, would enhance this energy. This is why we see so much of the colour red being used in Valentines day Decorations

Fragrant Chi to enhance relationships harmony

Scent is of course, deeply personal. We are each drawn to particular scents based on our memories and associations with particular scents. Add some Fragrant chi to the area of your home associated with relationships harmony by dispersing some pure essential oils to enhance this energy of nurturing relationships and romance.
Here are some examples of oils which support calm serenity and loving nurturing energy:-

Neroli (citrus aurantium var amara)

A beautiful flower oil with a warm rich, orange-like aroma, it is seems to vaccilate between sweet and sour notes. It has a wonderful calming effect on the heart and mind being both uplifting and grounding all at once. This oil is said to facilitate the release of stress and anxiety and open us up to joy and hope.

Rose (rosa damascena)

This rich floral essential oil is called the “queen of flowers” and is a “gentle tonic for the heart” according to Gabriel Mojay (Aromatherapy for healing the spirit). Rose oil “calms and supports the heart helping to nourish our sense of well-being”  It is said to heal emotional wounds and strengthen our capacity for self love and restoring our trust in opening up to receiving love from others.

Marjoram (origanum majorana)

This wonderful oil is fresh and herbaceous, sweet, warm and slightly woody in scent. Marjoram is nourishing and balancing and comforting. It is said to promote our ability for self-nurturing. A herb of love it nourishes and restores our ability to give and receive love. Gabriel Mojay describes it as “A distillation of Mother Earths compassion” showing us “the joy of the mountains”.